There will be no American boots on the ground in the fight against ISIL. Call me a skeptic, but the last time I heard this many reassurances from my government, it was “If you like your doctor and health insurance, you can keep it”.
Monthly Archives: September 2014
Number 2
We just got back from the doctor’s office for the 20 week ultrasound. The baby looks healthy, has 4 chambers in the heart, 2 kidneys, an aorta, 2 legs, 2 arms, and everything else that should be normal. Its a good thing I saved my Boy Scout uniform as I might be needing it. We also learned that our baby is going to be a boy. We are going to start thinking about a name and are excited! He is due sometime in mid February.
Facebook hiatus, trying something a little different.
I decided to cut back on my Facebook usage last month. It started easily when we went to Yellowstone as there was no Internet access. Afterwards, I decided it was nice not spending so much time looking at Facebook. I decided to stay away for a month. I realize that keeping up with friends can be difficult without Facebook, but I still want to keep myself from being drawn in as much. I found a way to post to Facebook through my blog, so I will be doing it that way for now while.