Category Archives: Humor
Enjoyed watching the first season of Daredevil. I’ve now enjoyed watching David Cooper playing in two roles: Wilson Fisk in “Daredevil” and Leonard Lawrence in “Full Metal Jacket”.
Poor Hiring Add by Arby’s
Saw this recently at an Arby’s. It did not give me warm fuzzies.
New Driver License Photo
Proud of my new driver license photo. Hopefully this will be the closest I’ll ever come to a mug shot.
New 2015 Macbook
This is pretty funny. I hope you enjoy your walled garden 🙂
Apparently, I’m liberal
My friends who are aware of my political leanings will find this funny. I made a comment today on a conservative Facebook page, The Weekly Standard, about an article referring to Ebola. I guess when you make any comments that are against the Republican talking points, you are to be labeled as the enemy. I was called an “Obama stooge”. I can’t imagine any point in my life when someone would have mistaken me for that role. It’s crazy. When I’m around conservative people, it seems like I’m too liberal. When I’m around liberal people, it seems like I’m too conservative. I guess this is what I get for not cheering on one of the two teams. Some people….
Political cartoons about anti gun and anti Syria stuff
2012 Election Political Cartoons
Some political cartoons I’ve collected off the Internet that I liked. Most of them are against Obama. If you are an Obama fanboy or  you just don’t have a sense of humor, I really don’t want to hear about it. As a side note, I did not vote for either Obama or Romney. Enjoy! …
Funny Bumper Stickers
These are some funny political bumper stickers I got in an email. Enjoy!
When somene is mad at you, you might want to say ‘Who licked the red off of your candy?’