Christmas 2019

Merry Christmas from the Utah Cottings! We have had another good year of God’s blessings in our family. Wendy is still working for Intermountain Health Care Kidscare doing pediatric urgentcare. She has been witnessing first hand how the face of healthcare is changing in our country, both good and bad. We are blessed that she …

Cotting Christmas 2018

These trips around the sun seem to be getting faster. Life for Wendy and Jason has assumed the ordinary business of keeping our family moving forward. Mia started Kindergarten this year. She loves school and is doing really well in her studies. She started reading right around the time Kindergarten started. During her first month …

Star Wars – The Force Awakens, my opinion

Now that opening weekend of the new Star Wars movie is over, I’m assuming most of the hardcore fans have seen it. SPOILER ALERT, don’t read this if you don’t want to know what happens in the movie. First off, I went to the midnight showing on Thursday night / Friday morning. I was surprised …