Today I celebrate victory. Victory over sin that made me unfit to live in freedom. Even if the Cubs don’t win today I am still a child of the King.
The Father’s Bargain
From a great song by Wolves at the Gate
Playing with New Camera
Good Friday, Sunday’s Coming!
Its Good Friday, but Sunday’s coming!
Cracked Obrea Orca Bike Frame
Pacifier Desperation Hypohthesis
I’d like to propose the pacifier desperation hypothesis. Difficulty in finding a dropped pacifier is directly proportional to how loudly the baby who needs said pacifier is crying.
Google Fiber coming to SLC
Mia Feeding Cody
New 2015 Macbook
This is pretty funny. I hope you enjoy your walled garden 🙂
Daylight Savings Time Bill Not Passed in Utah
Well so much for that. I wish we could just leave our clock alone. Politicians, pfffft.
Proposal to end Daylight Saving Time in Utah won’t advance in legislature