This is Mia’s second Christmas, and we bought her a stocking this year. We have two fireplaces in our home. The one upstairs, where our Christmas tree is, does not have a mantel to hang our Christmas stockings on. Wendy found a photo on Pinterest of an idea someone had made for hanging their stockings. …
Tag Archives: christmas
Merry Christmas! 2012
Hello everyone! Hope you are doing great. Time for the annual update. Wendy and I have had some changes go on with more in store for next year. Around Christmas time of last year, Wendy found out that she had been overpaid by her company for the previous two years. I already wrote an in …
Merry Chirstmas 2010
Merry Christmas everyone. Wendy and I have been very blessed this year. I know for me it has been the happiest year I’ve had so far. We are still enjoying our home here in Utah. No kids yet as we are still just enjoying being a couple. The dog and cat are like characters from …
Christmas 2009
Merry Christmas! Wow, what a year. Last year left off with Wendy and I going to visit each other’s families for Christmas. Now we are married! Lots of good changes have happened. I proposed to Wendy in May of 2009. We got married Sept 27, 2009 in Evergreen, CO. The wedding was perfect. It was …
Home for the holidays
This is kinda late getting written, but I have a great excuse. On the day I left Denver, half of the keyboard on my laptop began to only work intermittently. I discovered that banging harder on the keys don’t make them respond any better. So I left Denver on Sunday 12/21. Of course, the day …
Google Doodle Christmas 2008
For those that may have never seen it, Google changes their logo once a day during the Christmas week. It is kinda cool. See it here. They do it every year for Christmas and also at different holidays throughout the year.
Merry Christmas!
This is a copy of the Christmas email I sent to the people I know who’s email addresses I have I hope this finds you all doing well. The last two years have been a big growing experience for me. During this time I have discovered that for most of my life, I have been …
Calvin and Hobbes Make Snow People
Calvin and Hobbes has always been one of my favorite cartoon strips of all times. Its a shame Bill Watterson only did it for 10 years. The official site is now at I use Google Reader so I can see a new strip every day. My mom has always said that she thinks the …