Christmas Stocking Hanger

This is Mia’s second Christmas, and we bought her a stocking this year. We have two fireplaces in our home. The one upstairs, where our Christmas tree is, does not have a mantel to hang our Christmas stockings on. Wendy found a photo on Pinterest of an idea someone had made for hanging their stockings. …

Home for the holidays

This is kinda late getting written, but I have a great excuse. On the day I left Denver, half of the keyboard on my laptop began to only work intermittently. I discovered that banging harder on the keys don’t make them respond any better. So I left Denver on Sunday 12/21. Of course, the day …

Calvin and Hobbes Make Snow People

Calvin and Hobbes has always been one of my favorite cartoon strips of all times. Its a shame Bill Watterson only did it for 10 years. The official site is now at I use Google Reader so I can see a new strip every day. My mom has always said that she thinks the …