Taking the plunge

I went to Salt Lake City, UT for my monthly visit with Wendy. We didn’t have much planned, but wanted to just enjoy time visiting. I guess I should preface this with a synopsis of our relationship so far.

Wendy and I first met in 1997 when we were working at Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico as Mountain Trek Rangers. I took an interest in her that summer, but never did anything about it. We stayed in contact, worked a few more summers together. I never made a move, and she did not realize I was interested. Fast forward to the Summer of 2003. Wendy was working at Philmont doing one of her medical school rotations as a 3rd year Med student there in the Health Lodge. I did not work at Philmont that summer, but I finally got up the nerve to write her a letter to tell her how I felt about her and that I was interested in dating. Up to this point, we had never lived in the same town (except for Philmont). We started talking on the phone once a week or so over the next few years while we both lived our lives in separate parts of the country. We continued this way for a while, never actually saying that we were a dating couple. Finally in March of 2006, I decided to issue an ultimatum, that we were either a couple, or we needed to move on. Well, we decided to be a dating couple at that point. Time continued to drag on with her living in Salt Lake City, and me living in Denver. We would visit and call on the phone as often as we could. We both had things to work out before we were ready to get married. At some point, we realized that we were made for each other. Unfortunately, we both liked where we were living and neither one of us wanted to give that up. So, we were locked in a stalemate as to who was going to move, and if no one moved, then our relationship was never going to continue to grow.

Over Christmas, my dad offered me a diamond that had been in the family. Me driving an ambulance was going to make it very difficult to be able to afford much of a diamond. Thankfully, I had this option. So I used the diamond to get a ring for Wendy earlier this year. I had told Wendy that I wasn’t going to propose to her until we had decided on where to live. She really enjoys her job as a pediatrician at an Urgent Care. I really like the town of Denver, and I am established with my job. Wendy was offered a job as an Urgent Care Pediatrician here in Denver. Unfortunately, the job wasn’t what she was really looking for. I realize that my job is a lot less important and that I was not as established in my town as Wendy was in hers. I also wanted to make sure she was going to happy. I know she’s happy now, and I don’t want to change that. After talking to a lot of people, I was convinced that me moving to Salt Lake was the right thing to do.

That brings us back to this last visit. I brought the ring with me, because I thought this might be a good opportunity. I knew we needed to make a decision on where we were going to live before I left. So, on Monday night, May 11th, we ate at Olive Garden. I had hoped to maybe do something with a sunset or something, but it was too late in the evening. We walked across the street to Sugarhouse Park. We walked around for a little while, and then I proposed to her. The proposal itself was kinda funny, but that’s not something I’m going to publish on the Internet for the whole world to see. Anyway, when I proposed to her I told her that I would move to Salt Lake.

As for now, we don’t have a date for the ceremony yet. We are hoping maybe sometime in the fall, maybe in October. We want to do it in Colorado, maybe at one of the resorts. Anyway, we have a lot of planning to do before it happens. We are both very happy and excited about this. We are looking forward to owning our own home and I am looking forward to finally getting a dog again.

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