Cotting Creek

This is what has been keeping me busy this fall. I began my construction of a water feature in the backyard. I won’t be able to finish it until next year when the weather warms up again, but I got this much of it done before the cold winter weather set in. I’ll write more …

Christmas Stocking Hanger

This is Mia’s second Christmas, and we bought her a stocking this year. We have two fireplaces in our home. The one upstairs, where our Christmas tree is, does not have a mantel to hang our Christmas stockings on. Wendy found a photo on Pinterest of an idea someone had made for hanging their stockings. …


While Wendy and I were visiting in St. George Utah earlier, we stopped at a museum that is run by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. If you don’t live in Utah, you don’t understand the cultural significance that the church, as they like to call themselves, has on living here. The missionaries that were running the tour were of course proselytizing during the tour. We got to talking about how we go to a Baptist church, Risen Life Church. It came up that there were no LDS families on our street. That is where we learned a new term. We live on what the LDS church calls Gentile Street. According to this missionary, there’s one in every ward. Wards are small neighborhoods around the ward/church building they gather at. Anyway, we thought it was a funny term.

Apparently, I’m liberal

My friends who are aware of my political leanings will find this funny. I made a comment today on a conservative Facebook page, The Weekly Standard, about an article referring to Ebola. I guess when you make any comments that are against the Republican talking points, you are to be labeled as the enemy. I was called an “Obama stooge”. I can’t imagine any point in my life when someone would have mistaken me for that role. It’s crazy. When I’m around conservative people, it seems like I’m too liberal. When I’m around liberal people, it seems like I’m too conservative. I guess this is what I get for not cheering on one of the two teams. Some people….