Today I was out on a short bike ride when I heard a pop and felt air rushing past my leg. I knew right away that my tire had just busted. When I looked I was surprised to see not just a hole in my tire, but a hole in the rim. I have never seen something like that happening before. Any ideas? I had just changed a tube before I went out on a ride. It had a puncture on the outside of the tube. I didn’t find anything inside the tire that may have caused it. I aired the tires up to 120 psi. I had only been riding a few miles when this happened. These wheels are Mavic Ksyrium Elite. Going to be an expensive replacement.
Author Archives: Jason Cotting
Watching TV Fall ’14
We stopped getting Cable TV earlier this year. It was a great decision that we made. We have managed to save money over those months, and we have also managed to do more productive things with our time. Last weekend, Wendy and I took a short trip to St. George, UT. There was a TV in the room. Actually there were two TV’s for some reason I couldn’t figure out. I turned it on, and quickly realized, I have not been missing anything from live broadcast TV, and then turned it off. This weekend, I watched the last quarter of the MSU football game. Wow, either I had forgotten how bad commercials are, or they have gotten progressively worse since the last time I was subjected to them. I was considering buying this season’s The Walking Dead, but at over $40, it just seems a bit much. The show has not been as good lately in my opinion. Besides, Netflix has all the past seasons on streaming. I can wait until it comes out on streaming if I decide I want to watch it. I have bought the season for Gotham and have been enjoying it. Wendy and I have been watching Modern Family and Big Bang Theory. They have been OK, but I believe the writers are running out of material. We may not buy their next seasons. Will have to see. Although I have to admit, it is really nice to watch a TV show without having to grab the remote to skip commercials or have to sit through them. On to better things.
Fire testing
Passed my CPAT (physical test) today. I’ve taken that test more times than I can remember. They told us they would let us know where we stand on the list some time later. I already took the written test a couple of weeks ago. This is for the Metro Fire Consortium.
No Boots on the ground against ISIL
There will be no American boots on the ground in the fight against ISIL. Call me a skeptic, but the last time I heard this many reassurances from my government, it was “If you like your doctor and health insurance, you can keep it”.
Number 2
We just got back from the doctor’s office for the 20 week ultrasound. The baby looks healthy, has 4 chambers in the heart, 2 kidneys, an aorta, 2 legs, 2 arms, and everything else that should be normal. Its a good thing I saved my Boy Scout uniform as I might be needing it. We also learned that our baby is going to be a boy. We are going to start thinking about a name and are excited! He is due sometime in mid February.
Facebook hiatus, trying something a little different.
I decided to cut back on my Facebook usage last month. It started easily when we went to Yellowstone as there was no Internet access. Afterwards, I decided it was nice not spending so much time looking at Facebook. I decided to stay away for a month. I realize that keeping up with friends can be difficult without Facebook, but I still want to keep myself from being drawn in as much. I found a way to post to Facebook through my blog, so I will be doing it that way for now while.
Easter, because it’s important
I felt the desire to write a little bit about why Easter is important to me. First off, I’m a Christian, so it should be a no brainer why its important to me. You know, Christmas and Easter, the two “Christian” holidays where people show up for a church service or mass so they can …
Merry Christmas 2013
2013 has been one of the biggest years for us here at the Cotting family. Our biggest event was the birth of our daughter Mia. She was born in early January at 5lbs 13 oz. Since then, Mia has become what all of our plans for the day seem to revolve around. Mia is a …
Political cartoons about anti gun and anti Syria stuff
Merry Christmas! 2012
Hello everyone! Hope you are doing great. Time for the annual update. Wendy and I have had some changes go on with more in store for next year. Around Christmas time of last year, Wendy found out that she had been overpaid by her company for the previous two years. I already wrote an in …