Glacier National Park

Last month Wendy and I took a backpacking trip to Glacier National Park in Montana. We had planned to go there around this time last year, but instead we had our wedding. The plan was to take two days to drive up and two days to drive back while spending 6 days and 5 nights …

Our trip to Mesa, Arizona for Cubs Spring Training Baseball

This Spring, Wendy and I decided to go to Phoenix, AZ for a short trip, mostly because I wanted to go see my beloved Cubs at Spring Training. I had never been to Spring Training, but I had wanted to for quite a while now. We were there from 3/28-3/30. It was a great time …

Home for the holidays

This is kinda late getting written, but I have a great excuse. On the day I left Denver, half of the keyboard on my laptop began to only work intermittently. I discovered that banging harder on the keys don’t make them respond any better. So I left Denver on Sunday 12/21. Of course, the day …

Post Thanksgiving Celebration

Yesterday I flew to Salt Lake City, UT to visit with my girlfriend who lives there. Neither of us had a proper Thanksgiving celebration on Thanksgiving Day. Thankfully, we were able to prepare a feast for ourselves here. Unfortunately, we didn’t start cooking until late in the afternoon. We both worked on cooking the meal …

The Airport

When I began planning my visit to Salt Lake City to see my girlfriend, the only time she and I had time off was the weekend following Thanksgiving. As I began looking for flights, I found that the prices were unreasonably high because of how many people are returning from Thanksgiving that weekend. There was …