Today, my grandfather would have been 98. He was born 11/11/1911. He fought in WW2 in N. Africa, Sicily, and Italy. He was a a Lieutenant in the Army with the artillery. His CO was killed early on, and he stepped up to take over without ever getting a promotion until he got back home. My grandmother told me stories about how he flew in a little single engine airplane over the enemy lines to see where the targets were and where his artillery was falling. She said that when he got home, every time a plane flew over during the night, he would throw her on the floor with him on top of her because of the air raids that he had lived through. They decided not to get married until after he got back from the war in case he didn’t. My grandmother waited for him to return. I still have his cast iron helmet with it’s insignia on it. I treasure it. He rarely spoke of his experiences, but knowing my grandfather, he served with distinction, honor, and integrity.
My family has served in the military for a long time. Our last name used to be Cutting. Not quite sure when or why, but it changed to Cotting. We have records in our genealogy that tell of a Lt. Cutting who served with General Washington during the Revolutionary War. In the Civil war, a Colonel John Mosby CSA, led a famous group known as Mosby’s Rangers (Raiders) to fight against the Union. He was also a relative of mine. My grandfather’s brother (my great uncle) was in the Navy in the Pacific during WW2. My father served part time in the Air National Guard for 20 years. He started during Vietnam. His brother, my uncle, also served in the Army during Vietnam.
I’m so thankful for everyone that has ever served to protect my freedoms. From the Revolutionary war to today. Many have gone to the Alter of Freedom so that I could enjoy a life of freedom. Some returned, too many did not, but they were brave enough to go. Most of them don’t have a clue who I am, but they went anyway.
I hope that their sacrifice isn’t wasted. People in power don’t seem to realize what a country of freedom stands for. It doesn’t need all of their rules and regulations that they seem to think. I don’t need the government to tell me what is best for me. That is the opposite of freedom.
On August 30, 2009, Army Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal requested more troops for the fight in Afghanistan. Obama has yet to give an answer. I personally believe this is irresponsible to be so indecisive. I can respect the notion of how difficult it must be to send our troops to fight and die. I can not respect the indecisiveness of a leader. This wasn’t his first time to hesitate when we needed him to pull the trigger. Anyone remember the pirates?
Our service men and women are the best in the world. Lets keep them that way and thank them for all they have done and will do.