The next day, we went to ” ” Secret Beach. It may have been a secret a long time ago, but when you have to drive down a road called Secret Beach Road, yeah. Don’t get me wrong, it was very pretty. We had to walk a little ways down a path to get there. We spent most of our time exploring along the rocks and checking out the tide pools. It was really nice. I was enjoying taking pictures of the water crashing up on the rocks.
From there we drove to another place known as The Queen’s Bath. We had to walk on another path down to this area. It was a rocky beach with lots of cliffs and tide pools. We weren’t exactly sure which one of the tide pools was “The Queen’s Bath”, but we didn’t try them as the waves were pretty big that day.
The link below is a movie clip from us watching the waves come crashing in.
I believe this is the Queen’s bath, we weren’t quite sure. The waves were too big to get in safely.
We mostly just sat and watched the waves come in. This was going to be our last full day on Hawaii. We were flying back to Denver tomorrow, so we just wanted to enjoy what we had left.